Monday- Thursday 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM

 “Being active with one's own hands, having a determined, practical aim to reach, is what really gives inner discipline. When the hand perfects itself in a work chosen spontaneously, and the will to succeed is born together with the will to overcome difficulties or obstacles, it is then that something that differs from intellectual learning arises. The realization of one's own value is born in the consciousness. ”

Maria Montessori
From Childhood to Adolescence, p. 87





  • Lab

Farming and Environmental Studies

Fitness Program

English Language Arts

The Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Theater



Business Management and Economics

World History



Socratic Seminar

Homo Faber- The study of humans as producers and manufacturers and how certain inventions have changed the world. The focus is for the student to produce or invent something that has never been made before as they begin observing products and needs in areas they are involved or interested in.

Independent Study

Community Action Service (CAS)